Unlocking a world of profit

Corporate data specialists - proprietary analytics to benefit your bottom line

Reliable data is an essential building block for any successful business

We add value to data

“The next industrial revolution is upon us, and it’s digital.”

- Cedar Management Consulting

“The most successful business strategies are created with data-driven insight.”

- CIL Management Consultants

 “Across financial services, data and technology availability are driving change at pace.”

- Coeus Consulting

Realise value from your least exploited asset

The larger the number of transactions, the higher the probability for errors. Our clients are often astonished by the lost profits we uncover and recover using our proven tools.

Global businesses are facing more data and technologies than they can handle, and the problem is only getting worse. - Bearing Point

With the world becoming increasingly intelligent and entire value chains being transformed, data is an essential source of understanding and insight. - Capgemini Invent

The upside is clear

Harness the power of big data and our proprietary tools developed by a team of highly experienced specialists.

Our performance-based fee means your business can only benefit from our highly focused approach and proven processes.

Increased cashflow, improved bottom line.

Zero hassle

We require minimum effort from our clients whilst we focus on maximising your profit recovery rate.

Gain a competitive edge in these times of earnings volatility.

Entire value chains can be transformed with reflection, research, and a carefully planned digital transformation strategy.

“Blumont has consistently surprised us with the accuracy of their tools, incredible bottom line results, and professional service.”

— CFO, Energy Industry